A headshot of Syd, a woman with brunette hair and green eyes.

Hi! I'm Syd, I develop websites.

I'm a front end developer in Vancouver, BC. I'm currently the Director of Web Development at a kick ass agency called Major Tom. Are you impressed with my domain name? I hope so, because it was expensive.

'Hey there' hand lettered in cursive with flourishes

I've been pushing pixels since before static websites were cool, when icons were image sprites and rounded corners were background images. I've been in the industry for over 10 years and have experience as a UI designer and UX designer in previous roles.

I love typography and believe strong attention to UX is a must. I'm passionate about fostering growth and collaboration within my team and believe wholeheartedly that the best work comes from developer and designer collaboration. I'm super structural, and I love brainstorming ways to improve and refine processes.

I'm really interested and passionate about web accessibility. It's something I'm learning more and more about all the time from a development and usability standpoint.

Outside of work, you'll find me spending time with my family. I love:

  • Eating
  • Cooking (because eating)
  • Laughing at my own jokes
  • Hand lettering
  • Travelling
  • Dancing (poorly)
  • Going to bed early